Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

cara cari uang di/how join to GPTVILLE

an easy way to collect money from GPTVILLE
cara mudah untuk mengumpulkan uang dari GPTVILLE

CLICK HERE for see others PTC/KLIK DI SINI untuk melihat program PTC yang lain

CLICK HERE to see how to create a PAYPAL account/KLIK DI SINI untuk melihat cara membuat account PAYPAL

cara daftar di GPTVILLE
1.klik GPTVILLE di sini
2.klik tombol JOIN
3.fill column
c.verify password
d.personal PIN (jangan lupa nomer PIN karena berguna untuk proses CASHOUT)
e.your name
f.your email address
g.LEGAL pilih Yes I ACCEPT
4.klik tombol CREATE ACCOUNT.

how to register GPTVILLE
1.click GPTVILLE here
2.click JOIN button
3.fill column
c.verify password
d.personal PIN (do not forget your PIN number because it is useful to process cashout)
e.your name
f.your email address
select Yes I ACCEPT
4.click CREATE ACCOUNT button.

Cara menambah saldo di GPTVILLE
2.klik tombol EARNING AREA (ada di kotak NAVIGATION)
3.klik tombol PAID TO CLICK
Atau klik tombol PAID TO READS
Pilih mana yang ada isinya
4.klik iklannya dan tunggu sampai waktu menghitung mundur habis.

How to add balance in GPTVILLE
2.click Earning AREA button (at the box NAVIGATION)
3.click PAID TO CLICK button
Or click the button PAID TO READS
Choose where existing content
4.click ads and wait until the countdown time out.

CLICK HERE for see others PTC/KLIK DI SINI untuk melihat program PTC yang lain

CLICK HERE to see how to create a PAYPAL account/KLIK DI SINI untuk melihat cara membuat account PAYPAL

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